The Value of Your Union Contract: Health Care

Have you ever skipped a doctor’s appointment because you didn’t have health care coverage or had a plan with deductibles that were just too high?

One of the many benefits of being member of UFCW Local 1529 is having a union contract that protects you and your family’s well-being, including access to affordable health care.

Too many Americans are facing financial ruin when an illness strikes because they don’t have health care or have inadequate coverage with high deductibles. Our union believes that having affordable, quality health care is a right, not a privilege—and that’s why we negotiate strong contracts that provide you and your family with the benefits you need to stay healthy and productive in the workplace and at home.

Because you have a strong, union contract, you’re more likely to have health care coverage that includes better deductibles and benefit packages than most nonunion workers receive. In addition to affordable, quality health care coverage, your union contract also provides you with short term disability for all full-time employees – another benefit that millions of Americans don’t have.

Being a member of UFCW Local 1529 is truly good for your health!

You work hard and deserve a contract that provides you with the wages and benefits you’ve earned and deserve. With your help, we can continue to negotiate strong contracts and raise standards for all workers.

Thank you for being a part of our union family.

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